
FLARE will be a governance token. The token distribution follows a fixed supply, constant emission model, with burning mechanisms.


There are no pre-sales, private sales, or pre-listing allocations of the FLARE token.

All tokens are distributed according to the emission schedule. That means that the team funds and treasury funds are distributed at the same pace as the LP farms.

Part of the emissions are reserved for future strategic partnerships to help the FLARE ecosystem grow. If allocated these will enter a minimum 12-month linear vesting


Initial liquidity was 2,000,000 $FLARE & $200,000 of $GLMR, with launch price ≈ $0.10


  • 0.05% of all trades go to the $FLARE treasury (of which 50% is used for buybacks and burns)

  • 5% tax on single asset staking pools goes to the treasury

  • 0.1 FLARE per liquidity lock goes to the treasury

Locked Tokens

All FLARE tokens will be emitted according to their distribution portion. Team, Treasury and Future Investor funds are emitted together with public distribution to LPs.

Last updated